Thursday, January 29, 2009

4 days left

I'm now able to count the days until I leave on 4 fingers. Its exciting! But I don't feel prepared to go yet! I have yet to test pack and finalize all I'm taking with me. For me, the super-organized-lets-make-a-list-of-what-to-bring kind of person, I probably would have been packed a week ago if I really could. But then again I wouldn't have much to wear. I'm trying my hardest not to overpack!!!! And I only have one I don't think I will.

Today, however, is my last day of work! I'm really happy about this. Not to say I hate my job but rather that I would prefer to not get up early and work on science everyday..... The lab is going out to lunch for my last day, which is always something I enjoy because we get to go to the Blue Koi which is pretty much amazing. But I'm only working half day because I have to get a physical before I go...lame. oh well. I guess I have to make sure I'm healthy to travel. Ha. I think I'd travel to my semester even if I wasn't healthy. I think death would probably be the only thing keeping me from going. *knock on wood*

The next few days should be interesting. Tomorrow I'm going though all my clothes and figuring out what to bring and what to give to Goodwill. Might as well clean out my room while packing. But I'm also gonna spend some quality time with my folks, go out to eat (I get to decided where!) and have some foods that I won't get for a while. Then Saturday a bunch of my friends are coming over and I get to see them on last time. I'm really excited about this! I mean it is the last time I'll see them for 4 months. It should be a good time, and we get to watch the KU game, and eat Jimmy John's. What could be better? I'm expecting hugs though.

I'm also hoping that Chris and I get to go out for a little bit after everyone leaves on Saturday in the evening. Yesterday he was I guess officially accepted into the Army ROTC. He got all his gear and his hair cut. Its quite short, but I really like it. He looks as handsome as ever! Its kind of weird though because I hadn't really anticipated him being in the army. But its something he wants to do and I'll support him 100%. Our deal is he can't die, so I hope he keeps up his part of the bargain. To be honest I think it'll work out well; his four year commitment after graduation will be as long as my grad school. After that? we'll have to see where it takes us. But in today's world its a guaranteed career track.

Thats pretty much all for now. I'll update again before I leave.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Breaks for Spring 2009

So I'm kinda weird and really like to know when my breaks are. So after so diligent internet searching I found out the key dates for the semester:

Placement Test: Feb 4
Classes start: Feb 9
Spring vacation: April 4-13 (During Easter)
Break: May 1-May 3 (French Labor Day, 3 day weekend)
Break: May 8-May 1o (VE Day -> May 8 aka my birthday!, 3 day weekend)
Ascension Break: May 20-25
Last Day of classes: May 29
Finals: May 30-June 6

Love to all

Monday, January 26, 2009


I have a few goals for my 4 months in France

1.) Learn as much French as humanly possible. The whole purpose of my semester is to learn. I'm taking all French classes and going to try to speak as little English as possible.
2.) Experience the culture without limitations. Sometimes I'm inhibited at home and don't like to try new things. I'm willing to try various foods, wines, places etc.
3.) Start running. I actually kinda stole this idea from Chris, but it was also a suggestion with OSA. I'll be able to see more of the city and my surroundings, but also get healthier and fit.
4.) Travel!!!!! I'm in Europe! I'm really hoping to go up to England and see London and the countryside there. Also to Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, and Italy just to name a few. Everything is so close and only a train ride away. But I also want to explore France. Maybe go down to St. Etienne where I did my homestays and see Coline and her family.
5.) Make some new friends. I'm gonna be at an international language institute!!! I really hope to make friends outside of the U.S.

If I accomplish these my trip will be successful. And I know I will.

Love to all

One week mark

Good Morning!

I'm actually in a good mood this morning even though its Monday, I've been up since 5:30 and I'm tired; I'm quite positive. A new morning is always a new start and my insecurities of yesterday have passed. I'm optimistic that this new chapter of my life will hold excitement and new chances for me. That doesn't mean I won't miss my support system but it'll force me out of my comfortable little shell. Overall it'll be for the best.

Currently I'm at my job at KUMC. The work is ok. It shows me that I never EVER want to take a science class again. Not to say that I hate my job; thats not true, but I'm quite lackluster in the passion department for it. Its a temporary job not a career option. I'm not gonna lie though; I am good at my job. Solutions are easy to make, I'm efficent and effective on PCR, etc. Worse case scenereo this can be a back up if all else fails in life (although I don't think it will). Its kinda funny because my other back up is to go to school to become a massage therapist. haha. yeah.... Hopefully grad school will work out. Then? I don't know. It'll depend on where I am in life, and my relationship. But I think I'd like to teach. Maybe I can be the really hott but nerdy latin teacher. HA! That would actually be entertaining.

So I realized this morning I have a lot to do before I leave: 1.) PACK! and figure out what I'm gonna bring. That will take a while. I have to pack for practically 3 seasons and only want to bring one back :| ...yeah 2.) Get a bunch of pictures printed and all my personal support things in place 3.) Make a budget. Thats gonna be a toughie especially since I won't want to stick to it. Especially since I'm super excited to go shopping. I love to shop. 4.) Say goodbye. I think that ultimiately will be the hardest one. I'm really looking forward to having my friends come over on Saturday and to see them before I leave. It'll be bittersweet but thank God for email and facebook and msn.

Love to all

Sunday, January 25, 2009

8 Days Left

Hi :)

So I'm leaving for Angers in 8 days. I know its going to be quite and experience, but at the same time I'm really nervous about it. I have a lot of fears about going abroad, most of them are related back to my life in the states. I'm a bit afraid I'm going to fail miserably and not be able to survive. I've been learning French for about 7 years now but that doesn't always seem enough. So right now I'm at emotional crisis. I'm looking forward to going, but I'm afraid of what I'm going to miss out on. These next 4 months will be a wonderful experience for me and I know that I will learn a lot about French and myself.

Right now I'm just thankful for the people I have. My family has be wonderfully supportive. I don't know how I would be able to survive without them. My best friends make my life complete. Morgan, Abby, and Meg my roommates are so of the people that I have ever been closest to. They understand me and I love them to death. My boyfriend Chris is the one person I don't know what I would do without. He cheers me up when I'm down, makes me smile when I want to cry, supports me, and is my best friend. It'll be six months tomorrow, and I've never been happier. I love him.

Love to all